The last few years have seen a distinct rise in a more socially and green-conscious approach to life and business. Climate change, global warming and sustainability have become a daily front of mind issue. Many ask themselves, “what am I doing to help the planet?”
Organisations are also keen on upping their green credentials and look to weave sustainability into their business practices and culture. This applies to their wellbeing strategy too. Businesses are keen on not only encouraging healthy habits but sustainable ones too.
Virgin Pulse has a range of solutions that can help your employees with various resources and fun challenges to create healthy habits and act sustainably.
Go green with Virgin Pulse
Inspiring daily content
Our VP Go platform encourages and supports organisations in their sustainability initiatives by tapping into the gamification, personalisation and daily content available.
Employees will have access to a wealth of inspiring daily content featuring health and green-focused nudges. The platform provides nudges for healthy habits such as cycling to work or alternative ways to donate, such as volunteering their time for a sustainable cause. Some of the daily habits your employees can track are ‘save energy, ‘smaller footprint’, and ‘go green’. As well as seeing daily messages such as “did you recycle paper instead of throwing it out.”
All this helps support successful behaviour by helping your team make small meaningful changes in their lives.

Peer to peer accountability
Furthermore, you and your employees can recognise one another acting sustainably with our on-platform peer to peer recognition tool, ‘shoutouts’, which you can customise so that they are meaningful and motivating for you and your people. Another social way to increase the conversation, education and motivation around sustainability is through the ‘social groups’ feature, which broadens the opportunity to unite as a community within the platform on specific topics.
We appreciate just how important it is to support employees on their personal journeys, break down barriers and create opportunities within the workplace. We are strong advocates for taking actionable steps towards sustainability since it can have such a significant impact on the wellbeing and performance of your people and the world in which we live.
If you want to take that first step to becoming a more socially responsible and sustainable organisation, get in touch and find out how a green-focused wellbeing platform can help you and your team.